All patients of Bopp Dermatology and Facial Plastic Surgery are requested to have a full body check at least once to learn about their skin. During this visit you will be checked from head to toe with some exceptions. This is an educational visit. It is the perfect time to ask questions regarding your skin that you’ve always wanted to know.
We recommend seeing an ophthalmologist to have your retina checked yearly since age and sun exposure can increase risk of developing intraocular melanoma. An oral exam should be done by your dentist yearly because melanoma may be found in the mouth. The genital area should be checked by patients prior to coming in for the full body check. If there are any lesions to be checked let us know. As for females, this area is typically checked by the OB/GYN yearly. Hairstylists are trained to look for any lesions in the scalp and they should bring it to your attention because a variety of skin cancers can develop in that area. 10% of melanomas involve the scalp.
We will provide you with a pamphlet that explains how to perform your own skin check once monthly. It will show you what the ABCDEs of melanoma are and what to be looking for during the skin check. The key to remember is Evolution (change) of a lesion. If any changes occur, it is very important to have the lesion evaluated by a dermatologist. Belly button, between fingers/toes and bottoms of the feet should be included in monthly skin check. For women, this should be done when you are performing your monthly breast exams. Areas more difficult to check such as the back may require the help of a significant other or close relative. This will ensure that new lesions are detected adequately. A monthly massage is highly recommended because it is one of the top 10 things you can do for your health but it is also good to have the same person check your back monthly for any changes. No make-up, nail polish, or hairspray should be worn the day of the full body check. Your full body check is meant to teach you about your individual concerns. If you have multiple moles or a history of pre-cancers/skin cancer a full body check will be recommended every 6 months or yearly. Daily sunscreen use is very important in preventing skin cancer. A sunscreen with SPF 30-50 for the face, neck, and chest is recommended, as well as other exposed areas such as hands, arms, and legs.
May is Skin Cancer Awareness month and is a perfect time to get your skin checked. Call the office today to schedule your appointment. We have both Board Certified Dermatologist and Certified Physician Assistants that will give you a comprehensive full body exam!