Excel V Laser

If you’re struggling with vascular or pigmented lesions like spider veins, sun spots, rosacea, or port wine stains anywhere on your body, Excel V treatment at Bopp Dermatology & Facial Plastic Surgery in Metairie, Louisiana, is the state-of-the-art solution you need. Call the office or schedule an appointment online to arrange your Excel V treatment consultation today.
Excel V Laser nose vessel treatment
Excel V Laser lip treatment
Excel V Laser stretch marks
Excel V Laser scalp treatment
Excel V Laser used on patients lip

What is the Excel V laser?

The Excel® V is a state-of-the-art laser system that treats vascular skin conditions. Excel® V combines two laser wavelengths for maximum effectiveness in vascular lesion reduction and removal. 

The 532 nm laser wavelength is ideal for vascular lesions in your uppermost skin layers, such as rosacea and telangiectasias (spider veins). The 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser wavelength is particularly well suited for darker vascular lesions in the deeper skin layers. 

What does Excel V Laser treat?

Your Bopp Dermatology & Facial Plastic Surgery provider might recommend Excel V if your vascular lesions are uncomfortable, embarrassing, or are an aesthetic concern for you.  Excel V treats: 

  • DPN’s- dermatosis papulosa nigra
  • Seborrheic keratosis
  • Facial spider veins
  • Persistent facial redness
  • Sunspots
  • Rosacea
  • Port-wine stains
  • Leg veins
  • Cherry angiomas
  • Venous lakes

Excel V treats red, brown, purple, and blue vascular lesions effectively. It works on any skin type. 

Excel V is widely considered the most efficient vascular lesion laser available today, and it can handle virtually all types of vascular lesions on the face and body. 

How does Excel V Laser treatment work?

You’ll wear protective eye shields during the laser treatment. Your provider at Bopp Dermatology & Facial Plastic Surgery applies a conductive gel before your treatment, and then places the handpiece gently against your skin, immediately above the areas of concern. 

No anesthesia is needed because the sapphire-tipped handpiece continuously cools your skin to keep you comfortable. You might feel a snapping on your skin surface during the Excel® V laser pulses, but most patients say Excel® V treatment is virtually painless. 

How many Excel V Laser treatments will I need?

The number of treatments needed varies by condition, but many vascular lesions vanish or are dramatically reduced within only 1-2 treatments. Treatment sessions last as little as 10-15 minutes in most cases. 

What can I expect after Excel V Laser treatment?

Your skin might swell and become red immediately after treatment, but it fades in a couple of days. Many smaller vascular lesions, such as spider veins, vanish during the treatment. Brown spots usually get darker before they flake off a few days after your Excel V treatment. 

Want to take back your clear skin? Excel V can help. Call Bopp Dermatology & Facial Plastic Surgery, or schedule an appointment online today.

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